Privacy Policy Page

Privacy Policy for

Effective Date: September 7, 2023.

At, we hold your privacy in high regard and are committed to safeguarding your personal information. This Privacy Policy elucidates our procedures for collecting, utilizing, and protecting the information you entrust to us through our website ( and any affiliated services. 

Please carefully read through this Privacy Policy. By using, you acknowledge that you have read, comprehended, and consented to abide by the terms and conditions outlined in this Privacy Policy. 

Information We Collect

Personal Information:

We may gather your personal information when you voluntarily provide it to us. This encompasses your name, email address, postal address, phone number, and any additional information you may disclose. 

Non-Personal Information:

When using our website, we might automatically collect non-personal information from you. 

This can include your IP address, browser type, device details, operating system details, and other technical particulars. 

Use of Information

Personal Information:

We may use your personal information to fulfill your product or service requests. 

Engaging in communications with you regarding our website or services offered by us; furthermore, seeking improvement of our website's functionality and the quality of services provided. 

Additionally, we may use your personal information to distribute marketing materials or other pertinent content if we believe you might be interested in it—but only with your express permission. 

Non-Personal Information:

Utilizing non-personal data helps us analyze trends affecting our website's usage dynamics while overseeing user movements and gathering demographic insights, ultimately helping us refine the user experience.

Disclosure of Information

Service Providers:

We might share your personal information with trusted third-party service providers. These providers have been contractually obligated to maintain the confidentiality of your data and utilize it solely for the purposes outlined by us. 

Legal Requirements:

In order to abide by the law and fulfill our legal obligations. It may be necessary for us to disclose your personal information. We want you to know that we will only do so in good faith. 

Believing it is essential for safeguarding our rights and property and investigating potential instances of fraud or security breaches. Although we have implemented reasonable measures to secure your personal information, please bear in mind that no data transmission over the Internet can offer absolute assurance of complete security. 

Third-party websites

It is important for you to be aware that while visiting our website, you may encounter links leading to third-party websites or services over which we have no control or involvement in their operations. 

Our privacy policy solely pertains to our own website; therefore. We do not have control over how other third-party websites handle their privacy practices. 

Children Policy

We do not knowingly collect any personal information from children. In the event that we discover that we have inadvertently collected personal information from a child under 13 years old, we will take immediate steps to delete this information from our records. 

Changes to the Privacy Policy:

We have all the rights to modify or update this Privacy Policy anytime. 

When changes are made, they will be posted on our website and become effective immediately if you continue to use them after these changes. You are indicating your acceptance of the revised Privacy Policy. 

Contact Us:

If you have any questions related to our privacy practices, please feel free to reach out to us at [email address]. We would be more than happy to assist you. Please note that this Privacy Policy serves as a general statement and does not create contractual rights or obligations between us and users.